The purpose of this website is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and magnify the Word of God. We present Layman prepared studies that seek to provide sound Bible based teaching to provide a close relationship with God that brings joy, peace, contentment and purpose to one's life.
All Scripture is profitable to all believers in one way or another. Some Scriptures will lead you to repentance, others can fill you with joy. Some Scriptures will reveal the will of God, while others will put you under conviction of sin. Some Scriptures will tell you of the love of God, while others will speak of His wrath.
My prayer is that the sinner will be convicted of their sin and seek God for their salvation, and the believer will commit their all to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that they may grow in Christ.
1. We are Bible believing Baptist. A Bible believing Baptist is one who believes in the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God. We believe that the King James Bible, AV1611 was written by supernatural inspired men of God.
2. We believe that there is one God who exist in three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. (MATTHEW 28:19)
3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary. His life was sinless, He died in our place as a sacrifice for the sins of man, was buried, arose bodily from the grave and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, where He intercedes on behalf of those who trust Him.
4. We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and its need of salvation, indwells the believer, seals the believer unto redemption, bestows spiritual gifts, fills the believer with the power of the dwelling of the Spirit so they will bear fruit to the glory of God.
5. We believe that salvation is the gift of God's grace and is freely bestowed upon all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation includes regeneration and sanctification.
We believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, and thereby become children of God.
CREATION: We believe that man is a special creation of God and in the image of God. We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life, by direct act. We believe that God created man and woman for their bond together and for His fellowship.
MANKIND: We believe that although man was created in the image of God, he fell into sin and is lost and all men/women are in need of salvation through the completed work of Jesus Christ at Calvary.
SATAN: We believe in the reality and personality of Satan; that he is a created being of power, the prince of this world, the god of this age. the spirit of disobedience, and is destined to be cast into the lake of fire with all men/women who serve him.
ETERNITY: We believe that those persons who have their sins forgiven through Jesus Christ will spend eternity in Heaven.
We believe that those persons who die in their sins will spend eternity in Hell.
ETERNAL SECURITY: We believe that Eternal Security is an extension of God's purpose of Grace. We believe that all who have truly been born again by the Spirit of God through Faith in Jesus Christ are eternally secure and have the promise of eternal life in Heaven.